BK21 교육연구단(팀)

ERICA 소재부품융합 첨단제조장비 혁신인재 교육연구단

[공지] 2022학년 1학기 ERICA-ACE 정기세미나 (7회)
작성자 ERICA 소재부품융합 첨단제조장비 혁신인재 교육연구단
조회수 115

2022학년 1 학기 7번째 정기세미나를 다음과 같이 개최하오니, 연구단 참여 학생 및 교수님들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.

이번 강연에는 기계공학과 오준호 교수님의 초청으로 미국 University of Maryland 한봉태 교수님을 모시고 세미나를 개최합니다.

-----------------------------------------정기 세미나 ----------------------------------------------------- 

1. Title : FAB-like Packaging: Its Implications for Future Packaging Technologies

2. Speaker : 한봉태 교수님(Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Maryland)

3. Date & Time : June. 9 (Thur.) 2022. 15:00 PM

4. Place : 컨퍼런스홀 201호

5. 발표 내용

 Heterogeneous integration (HI) refers to the integration of separately manufactured components into 

a higher-level assembly that, in the aggregate, provides enhanced functionality and improved operating 

characteristics. Numerous advanced packaging concepts have been introduced to meet the challenging 

integration goals. Achieving interconnect densities for HI will require novel substrate and assembly 

capabilities, and package technology will have to be more “fab-like”. This seminar first reviews the 

concepts of HI and advanced packaging including Fan-out Wafer Level Package (FO-WLP), 2.5-D and 3-D 

integrations, and then discuss their implications for future packaging technologies.


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