고신뢰성 에너지용 지능형 시스템반도체 교육연구단
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아래와 같이 해외석학 초청세미나를 개최하오니 관심있는 분들의 많은 참여를 바랍니다.
주 제: Silicon-based Integrated Circuits Design: Recent Trends
연 사: Mingoo Seok, Columbia University
일 시: 2023년 5월 19일(금) 오후 1시
장 소: 제3공학관 315호
The importance of silicon-based integrated circuit (IC) design has grown rapidly as its application keeps expanding to virtually every human-made products.
In this seminar, we will introduce the important trends in silicon-based integrated circuits design.
We will discuss near-term research efforts in the areas of microprocessors, GPUs, application processors, DRAM, NAND flash, and chip & software virtical integration.
We will also introduce some of the long-term efforts to address the limitations of Von Neumann computer architecture.