BK21 교육연구단(팀)

고신뢰성 에너지용 지능형 시스템반도체 교육연구단

해외석학 초청세미나 안내_24.06.24.(월) Purdue University, 민병철 교수님
작성자 지능형반도체
조회수 72
  • 첨부파일없음

BK 지능형반도체 교육연구단에서 아래와 같이 해외석학 초청세미나를 개최하고자 합니다.

  - 일  시: 2024. 6. 24. (월) 오후 4시

  - 장  소: 제3공학관 216호

  - Title: Integrating Human Intelligence into Robot Learning

  - Speaker: Purdue University, 민병철 교수님


As robots become more integrated into society, they are tackling increasingly complex tasks that demand human-like perception, decision-making, and adaptability. This has led to the need for infusing human intelligence into robot learning, allowing them to better understand and navigate the intricate, ever-changing human environments. In this talk, I will introduce Purdue University’s SMART Lab research in human-in-the-loop (HiL) robot learning. The talk has two main parts, focusing on two streams of HiL robot learning: preference learning and learning from demonstration (LfD). In the first part, we will delve into using preference learning for socially aware robot navigation. By incorporating human feedback, robots can improve their decision-making and adaptability in complex environments with humans, enhancing their overall performance. In the second part, I will present our LfD algorithms for both single and multi-robot control. These techniques enable robots to efficiently learn and collaborate while performing tasks, ultimately enhancing the capabilities of robotic systems.